Updating Your Details

We regularly ask our members to keep us updated with their current workplace, home address and name. We established a quick and easy way of doing this via the web site on our update page. There is a prominent link to this on the top menu bar as well as a link further down the […]

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On the 15th March, the LAS UNISON branch held its Annual General Meeting at the Union Jack Club in Waterloo. There were 2 posts up for election. Branch Secretary & Vice Chair.

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Dear Colleague, 2010 could be a difficult year for Patient Transport Services contracts due to a potential change of Government, hospitals forced to cut budgets, the on-going financial crisis and the growth of the private sector. Within the London Ambulance Service, Unison has fought long and hard to protect and save PTS jobs and contracts, […]

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Foundation Trust

‘UNISON understands the concerns and worries of members regarding Foundation Trust Status. Our opposition to Foundation Trust Status is on record. We replied to the consultation paper within the LAS again stating our concerns but also insisting that Unison and its members are central to the decision making should Foundation Trust Status be granted.

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1989/90 National Ambulance Dispute, 20 years on

LAS UNISON has put together an exhibition (with very special thanks to Anna Lowman, Communications Department, and Sarah Joy, Finance & Business Planning Department and others who have gave their time so this could happen) to remember the 89/90 Ambulance Dispute. This can be seen on each floor of Waterloo HQ until the end of […]

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Smithfield Ambulance Station re-opens

Smithfield Ambulance Station was officially re-opened today following an extensive refurbishment that included taking over the other half of the building that was previously occupied by the City of London Street cleaners.

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We love the NHS

LAS UNISON is adding it’s voice to the Twitter campaign to defend the National Health Service. “People love the NHS in this country because it is always there for them when they need it” said UNISON head of health Karen Jennings

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