Branch News

Phil Thompson, the returning officer reported to the AGM on the 18 March that Eric Roberts had been re-elected as Branch Secretary of the LAS UNISON Branch.

Eric said ” This result is not only a powerful endorsement for me and my role within the Union and Service, but it is also a vote of confidence for our Branch Officers and Senior UNISON Representatives who work tirelessly for the members and Union.

In difficult times our members have recognised what the current leadership is faced with and have understood that we are doing the right things on their behalf.

Unfortunately this election was run against a backdrop of major interference from people outside of our Union who had hoped that our members would fall for the constant stream of lies and misinformation, not only about me personally, but, also about our Branch.

I am proud that the majority of our members saw through that and voted for me and our Union. I hope now that everyone works together to get us through a difficult future for us and the Service”