Who we are
Welcome to the website of the London Ambulance Service (LAS) Branch of UNISON. We are the biggest union in the LAS and is Britain and Europe’s biggest public sector union with more than 1.3 million members.
The site has been created to communicate with our members and stewards as much information as is possible and more than could ever be done by paper alone. An online newsletter and SMS text alert service has also been set up with this purpose, so that the latest breaking news can be sent out instantly to members inboxes. Read our Privacy Policy
UNISON members are people working in the public services, for private contractors providing public services and the essential utilities. They include frontline staff and managers working full or part time in local authorities, the NHS, the police service, colleges and schools, the electricity, gas and water industries, transport and the voluntary sector.
Click here to view the UNISON About Us page with more detail on how UNISON works at Regional level and nationally.
Navigating the site
The drop down menu at the top of this page is available on every page and will take you to the main pages of the site.
Contacting Us
There are many ways of contacting us depending on what you wish to contact us about.
Your first stop should be our contact us page which features an online e-mail form.
If you wish to contact a branch officer then click on the Branch Officers page for full contact details.
Should you wish to contact us regarding this website then please send an e-mail to the webmaster@lasunison.com
If you don’t know who your local UNISON rep is or aren’t sure who to contact, ring our hotline (have your membership number ready):
UNISON Direct 0800 0857 857 (freephone)
Freephone textphone 0800 0 967 968
Lines are open 6am-midnight Monday-Friday and 9am-4pm Saturdays
You can also submit a query online at: http://www.unison.org.uk/get-help/
I have a comment about this website and want to email your webmaster.
Please email webmaster@lasunison.com with your query. Please restrict your emails to questions about this website such as navigation, documents, downloads etc. All other queries about UNISON, your workplace, your membership details etc should be directed through the channels listed on our contact us page.
I want to change some of my personal details – how do I do that?
Go to Update your details. There you can fill in a short form to change your workplace or home address.
You can also sign up to My UNISON and create an account and view the details we hold about you and change them directly online.
Just click here to use this new feature.
I work for the LAS or another service and want to get a news story about our recent pay claim/event on the website – who do I contact?
Email the webmaster@lasunison.com with your press release and contact information or contact eddie.brand@nhs.net
What we campaign on
UNISON campaigns and lobbies on key issues affecting our members and the public at large. We’re working to protect and improve the public services, win equal pay and employment rights for everyone, improve safety in the workplace and end discrimination and harassment at work.
Local organisation
Every member of UNISON belongs to a local branch, which is made up of people working for the same employer. Our branch is the London Ambulance Service Branch which means we are only involved in AMBULANCE issues. Local stewards are there to represent you at work and help find the answers to your problems. Local health & safety reps are there to help make sure your workplace is safe and your job is not too stressful. They are volunteers and play a vital role in recruiting new members, ensuring safety at work and organising your branch. Local branches are made up of ordinary members elected by the workforce.
What UNISON can do for you
Most people join a union because they want protection at work – help with pay and conditions of service, legal or health and safety advice or representation in case things go wrong at work. That’s what we’re here for. UNISON negotiates on pay and working conditions at every level – local, regional and national. But we also do a lot more. Being a UNISON member gives you a wide range of benefits and unbeatable deals. Why not Join us today?