Young Members

Welcome to UNISON Young Members in the London Ambulance Service 

Welcome to the community of UNISON Young Members in the London Ambulance Service (LAS)! We are delighted to have you join our vibrant and supportive network dedicated to empowering young members in the healthcare sector. Whether you are a new starter or have been with us for a while, you are now part of a movement that stands for unity, support, and positive change.  

Who We Are 

UNISON is one of the largest trade unions in the UK, representing over 1.3 million members. Our Young Members section is specifically designed for those aged 30 and under, providing a platform to address the unique challenges and opportunities faced by young workers in the workplace.  

UNISON LAS Branch has over 6000 members with at least 2600 being part of our Young Members body.  

Within the LAS, our mission is to support, represent, and advocate for the interests of our young members, ensuring their voices are heard and their contributions are valued. Being lucky enough to be under 30 allows you to gain access to all of UNISON’s benefits alongside individualised campaigns aimed at just young members. As the largest trade union in the LAS, we meet regularly with LAS directors to discuss concerns, projects, policy and  

Our Mission and Vision 

Our mission is to create a supportive environment where young members can thrive both professionally and personally. We aim to: 

  • Promote fairness and equality in the workplace. 
  • Provide access to training and development opportunities. 
  • Foster a sense of community and belonging. 
  • Advocate for the rights and well-being of our members. 

Our vision is to see a workplace where every young worker feels valued, empowered, and equipped to make a meaningful impact on the healthcare system and the communities we serve. 

What We Offer 

As a young member of UNISON in the LAS, you have access to a wide range of benefits and resources designed to support your growth and well-being. These include: 

  1. Representation and Advocacy: We provide robust representation on workplace issues, ensuring your rights are protected and your concerns are addressed. Our team of valued stewards/Reps is always here to support you through any workplace challenges you may encounter. As a recognised trade union, you have legal right to request our support and attendance during some workplace meetings.  
  1. Training and Development: We offer various training programs, workshops, and seminars aimed at enhancing your skills and knowledge. From leadership training to specialized courses, we are committed to helping you advance in your career both inside and outside of healthcare. LINK,Financial%20support. 
  1. Networking Opportunities: Connect with like-minded professionals and build valuable relationships through UNISON events and activities. Networking within our community can open doors to new opportunities and collaborations. 
  1. Health and Well-being Support: Your well-being is our priority. We provide resources and support for mental and physical health, including access to counselling services, financial advice lines and wellness programs plus much more. LINK 

  1. Campaigns and Initiatives: Get involved in our campaigns and initiatives that aim to improve working conditions, promote equality, and drive positive change within the healthcare sector by you and for you. To find out our ongoing national campaigns click here. 


Get Involved! 

We encourage you to actively participate in our activities and make the most of your membership. Attend our meetings, join our campaigns, and share your ideas and experiences. Your involvement is key to building a stronger, more vibrant community.  

Stay Connected 

Stay up-to-date with the latest news, events, and opportunities by following us on social media and visiting our website regularly. We also send out newsletters and updates to keep you informed about what’s happening within UNISON and the LAS. We are working hard behind the scenes to produce regular updates for our Young Members. 

Contact Us 

If you have any questions, need support, or simply want to learn more about how you can get involved, do not hesitate to reach out to us. Our team is here to help you every step of the way. With 6000 members across the whole service, someone has got the answer you need! 


Together, We Are Stronger 

Welcome once again to the UNISON Young Members community in the London Ambulance Service. Together, we can make a difference, support each other, and create a brighter future for all young professionals in the healthcare sector. We look forward to your active participation and are excited to embark on this journey with you. 

In solidarity, 

Michael Carter
UNISON Young Members Officer
London Ambulance Service