Your next pay rise should be due on 1 April 2024 and if we don’tsee action from the government in time, we must stand ready to respond.
The NHS is in a staffing emergency with over 100,000 vacancies, spiralling workloads and a record patient backlog. You know that meagre pay awards from the government and tinkering around the edges of the pay scale simply won’t cut it.
That’s why together we’re calling on the government to put NHS pay right to keep dedicated staff in their jobs and ensure more patients can be treated more quickly.
So what will it take to put NHS pay right? In our autumn survey, more than 60,000 NHS staff told UNISON that you need:
A proper pay rise
A majority of UNISON members – in every role, at every pay band – said that increasing core pay is the number one priority.
All staff working in the NHS need a proper pay rise to keep up with rising living costs and to provide a decent reward for the challenging work you do. Over a third of members report that they cannot get through the working day without worrying about finances and this cannot go on.
We need to fix problems up and down the pay scale to kick poverty pay out of the NHS for good; to maintain fairness between staff; and to make sure that when you progress or get promoted, you notice a real difference in your pay packet.
The right banding
All staff should be entitled to role and pay band reviews to make sure you’re getting paid at the right rate for the job. That means major national investment to ensure that the job evaluation process is fair, timely and effective.
Nurses, admin staff, catering staff and many others tell us that they are working above their band. Thousands of UNISON healthcare support workers have come together to fight for and win rebanding and back pay because the current creaking system leaves staff undervalued and underpaid.
A shorter working week
UNISON’s ambition is for a reduced working week in the NHS with no loss of pay. Better work-life balance would improve wellbeing, reduce burnout and keep staff in their jobs, reducing reliance on overtime and agency staff. While there may not be a quick route to a shorter working week, many staff have already identified areas of their work that could run more smoothly.
Let’s start the conversation now!
Will you join the fight to put NHS pay right?
Talk to your colleagues about your pay and conditions, and encourage them along to any meetings your branch is holding. Whether it’s sharing leaflets, signing petitions, speaking to the public or explaining UNISON’s position to staff who haven’t joined yet, your union is only as strong as its members. There’ll be lots of campaign activity happening over the next few months so please keep an eye out and get involved as much as you can!
Click here to read more about the pay position.