March for Public Services

Join our branch on Saturday 26th March 2011 where thousands of people will join the TUC march in London to tell the ConDem government that savage spending cuts are unnecessary and unfair.

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On the 19th October, Eddie Brand, Branch Chair; led a delegation from LAS UNISON to the TUC Rally and lobby of Parliament. The Rally was held at Westminster Central Hall that can hold over 2000 people. The Hall was brimming to the Rafters and lots were unable to gain access due to the Hall being packed out!

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Website Update

The website is now over 7 years old and continues to attract more visitors to the site year after year. We have introduced several new features since the launch of the original site that include but not limited to our e-mail newsletter and SMS Text Alert Messages. These tools are used to quickly communicate breaking news […]

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Branch Secretary To Publish Union Blog

Branch Secretary Eric Roberts is to publish a regular Union Blog. This is in response to constructive suggestions made at the AGM in March and members emails. The Union hopes that this Blog will help in better communications between the Branch and members.

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Government declares war on public services

UNISON General Secretary, Dave Prentis, today accused the Government of declaring war on public services and public service workers with the most draconian budget in decades. He said: “This budget signals that the battle for Britain’s public services has begun with the Government declaring war. Public sector workers will be shocked and angry that they […]

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