Branch News

On the 15th March, the LAS UNISON branch held its Annual General Meeting at the Union Jack Club in Waterloo. There were 2 posts up for election. Branch Secretary & Vice Chair.

Eric Roberts was re-elected as Branch Secretary and Sarah Hardy was re-elected as Vice Chair.
There was an unusually high turnout that resulted in the meeting being in quorate for the first time in several years. A lively debate ensued and communications was seen as lacking.
It was pointed out that around 384 users visit the website each day yet just 265 people had subscribed to the e-newsletter. It was also pointed out that a letters page had been created when the website was launched in 2003 for members to write in. It was based on the LAS NEWS format and individual branch officers would reply to grievances and points raised. After 7 years not one single letter was ever received and so the page has now been removed from the site.
It was asked why we do not simply send the newsletter to everybody within the LAS e-mail system. Unfortunately, although we would like to do this, this would actually be illegal and we can only subscribe new members to the union automatically when they provide an e-mail address. Current members must subscribe manually using the sign up box on the home page of the website. If we sent e-mail to people that had not subscribed or given permission then it would be classified as SPAM mail. It was acknowledged that we should try to produce a paper newsletter on an ad-hoc basis for members that are not on the internet. There were other ideas raised at the meeting that will be actively looked at and we hope to report back on these at a later date.
In the meantime, if you have any ideas then you can raise them using the contact form on the contact us page.