A4C Bandings Review Requested

Eric Roberts today wrote to Caron Hitchen formally requesting a joint review of Agenda for Change Bandings within the LAS. Eric said ‘As you know Agenda for Change was introduced in 2004 with the majority of evaluation and matching decisions taken in 2005. This review would also give us the opportunity to revisit Job Descriptions […]

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AGM & Branch Officer Elections

I am writing to you as the Regional Officer responsible for UNISON members employed in the London Ambulance Service, and acting as the Returning Officer for the UNISON Branch elections for the year 2009. First, I would be grateful if you could note in your diary that the Branch’s Annual General Meeting will take place: […]

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Active Area Cover Agreement

The Staff Council today accepted a modified Active Area Cover policy that was agreed by the Joint Operational Consultative Forum this week. Because of the concessions gained LAS UNISON has withdrawn the request for a dispute. Please see links below for an initial bulletin and the Active Area Cover policy. Staff briefings are to be […]

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Mileage Rates Increased

It was agreed at the Staff Council meeting on 1st July 2008 to increase the rates of allowances by 10% in Annex L in the NHS Terms & Conditions Handbook, as set out below. UNISON and other unions had asked for an immediate uplift of 5 pence per mile on all rates, pending the completion […]

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