AGM & Branch Officer Elections

Branch News

I am writing to you as the Regional Officer responsible for UNISON members employed in the London Ambulance Service, and acting as the Returning Officer for the UNISON Branch elections for the year 2009.

First, I would be grateful if you could note in your diary that the Branch’s Annual General Meeting will take place:

Time: 6PM (buffet available after the meeting)

If you do not know the location of the Union Jack Club, please contact me.
All members of the UNISON Branch are invited to attend the Annual General Meeting and it is important that as many members as possible do attend in order to make it a representative meeting.
Prior to the Annual General Meeting, the UNISON Branch Officer elections will take place. As Returning Officer, I am hereby inviting nominations for the following Branch Officer posts.

Branch Secretary
Branch Chair
Branch Vice Chair
Branch Treasurer
Health & Safety Officer
Equalities Officer
Labour Link
Membership & Recruitment Officer
Welfare Officer
Communications Officer
Branch Education Officer
Minute Secretary

Those nominated for the Labour Link Officer must be members of the Labour Party.
Separate arrangements will be made for retired members to elect the Retired
Members Officer.
Nominations must be received in this office by 5p.m. on 9 February 2009.
Members can nominate any individual member of the Branch for any of the above
posts (with the proviso above concerning the Labour Link post). If you do wish to
nominate any branch member to one of these posts, you should do so on the form
enclosed. Please note the Branch Election Rule that applies:
“Any nominations must be made on the form available and will only be
accepted as valid if signed by two (2) full members of the Branch, who are
eligible to vote in the election, neither of whom is a nominee, and signed by the
nominee as an indication of acceptance of nomination. Completed nomination
forms must be returned to the Returning Officer by the date specified in the

A full set of Branch Rules and Branch Election Rules are available from this office,
and can be supplied to all those nominated.
Should an election prove necessary, ballot papers will be distributed during the week
commencing 16 February 2009, and ballot papers will need to be received in this
office by 5pm on 16 March 2009. Anyone who does not receive a ballot paper
should contact this office. If at this stage you are aware of any information we may
hold on you being incorrect, for example whether you have moved either workplace
or home address or have a new telephone number, I would be grateful if you could
let me know.
If you have any other queries please contact me at the Regional Office. I look
forward to seeing you at the Annual General Meeting.

Yours sincerely,

Regional Organiser,
Returning Officer

Click here to view this letter as a PDF in its original format
Click here for a nomination form