A Time for Change – Response from Branch Secretary

Branch News Branch Secretary

At a specially convened Joint Staff Council today (Friday 26th April 2013) Unison was presented with the full set of documents called ‘A Time For Change’.

We know that staff have now also been given these documents.

Within these documents are draft proposals regarding:

  • Adapting our frontline workforce
  • Introducing a clinical career structure
  • Providing more telephone clinical assessments for less serious calls
  • Aligning rosters with demand
  • Providing rest breaks
  • Changing annual leave arrangements
  • Increasing vehicle availability
  • Extending the use of active area cover
  • Responding differently to patients

These are all big issues.

We do not agree with everything that is in these proposals and over the coming weeks we will be putting in our response highlighting the very serious concerns that we have.

As there are also good things contained within the principles of ‘A Time For Change’ which will improve the Service, we do not want to throw the baby out with the bathwater.

We will continue to consult with members and staff over these documents and work with management within the formal consultation structures to reach an acceptable and agreed set of proposals.

We encourage staff to attend the Chief Executive Road-shows. We encourage staff to voice opinions/comments and concerns. We encourage staff to fully read the documents and understand how they affect you.

LAS UNISON will set up a web page so that members can communicate with us and in the coming weeks we will agree a consultation plan so that we meet as many members as possible.

We support Public Services. We support the London Ambulance Service. We support positive change in our Service. We support our members and staff.

We do not support (or believe) that positive change can only happen at the expense of our members.

More information will be sent out soon.


Eric Roberts

Branch Secretary

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