Put pay right and start to solve the NHS’ many problems, says UNISON

A proper pay rise for NHS staff in England this year is essential if there is to be any hope of filling the huge vacancies hole and stopping waiting lists from spiralling, says UNISON today (Friday).   The union – representing ambulance workers, nurses, cleaners, medical secretaries, occupational therapists, porters and a whole host of other […]

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Government must hold NHS pay talks early in the new year, says UNISON

UNISON responds to the government issuing pay review body remit letters Commenting on the government issuing of remits to the pay review bodies today (Wednesday), which effectively start the NHS pay setting process for next year, UNISON acting head of health Helga Pile said: “The government is in danger of ignoring the lessons from last winter’s NHS dispute. […]

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LAS UNISON Strike Update

You will have seen in the press, on social media and possibly on your emails (if you have given us an up to date email address) that UNISON have suspended our industrial action scheduled for the 8th March to allow talks with the government. The decision was taken after the Department of Health and Social […]

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UNISON to suspend strike to enter NHS pay talks with government

The government has finally promised extra investment in pay for both this and next year. The strike planned for next Wednesday involving thousands of ambulance staff and other NHS workers has been suspended to allow UNISON to enter pay talks with the government, the union said today (Friday 3 March). Following a meeting of its […]

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NHS Pay Update

We are in an ongoing dispute with the government on NHS pay in England.You may have seen press coverage today that the government has written to us with a formal invitation for negotiations on NHS pay.We still need to get clarity on a number of key points so we can understand whether this is a serious proposal. As […]

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Mythbuster: NHS pay

10 ways in which the government is distorting the truth in the ongoing dispute over NHS pay As UNISON members prepare for a fifth day of strikes in England on 8 March – with thousands more health workers preparing to join the action – the government stubbornly refuses to engage in talks with all the […]

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Call to take 12 Hour Strike Action – Friday 10th February 2023

Dear UNISON Member,I am writing, as Branch Secretary, to call on you to take strike action again in line with our national NHS pay & Staffing dispute. To increase pressure on the Government we are calling on you to strike for 12 hours.We have had, very successful turnouts on the last 3 industrial action dates […]

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