LAS UNISON Branch to take Strike Action
Firstly, thank you for the help that got the London Ambulance UNISON Branch over the 50% turnout threshold in the ballot, which means we can now take part in national lawful industrial action on Pay and NHS pressures.join the largest Ambulance Branch in the Country. Thank you for your continued support. Yours in Solidarity, Eddie Brand Branch Secretary
As we have said previously, this is not something we want to do, but we have no choice with a government that are not willing to listen, or negotiate with UNISON or other Health Trade Unions. Today (Tue 6) we met with our Branch Committee and many representative’s from all across our Service to inform them of the date chosen/times/members to take part in the first day of action. This was decided by UNISON’S National Ambulance Sector: The date will be 21st December 2022 Time Midday – Midnight. Members involved, will be ALL UNISON road crew staff. I appreciate there are some that will be unhappy with this decision and feel like they have been left out. I can understand your frustrations but, if the government continue to refuse to listen a second date for action will be announced. We will call on other members to be involved and as a branch and Ambulance Sector nationally we will “ramp up the pressure” To be clear this could be a drawn out dispute. All our members have played their part, by voting in the first place, and we will call on you going forward. We will now start to meet with the LAS management, informing them how we will feel the day will look like and make sure the Public will not suffer by negotiating emergency “Life & Limb” cover. More information will be shared with our representatives over the next couple of weeks as we develop the plan for the 21st December. If you know a colleague that isn’t a UNISON member, please speak to them and ask them to