Annex E (Unsocial Hours) Update from Branch Secretary

Agenda for Change Branch Secretary Pay Unsocial Hours

Thank you for voting in the recent ballot on Annex E proposals.  As you know, UNISON members in London Ambulance Service rejected the proposals and sent a very clear message that they do not want  to agree changes which would allow ambulance employers to deduct Annex E payments during periods of sick leave to reflect the NHS Staff Council changes made to the standard ‘section 2’ payments earlier this year.

This leaves us in a situation where there is no collective agreement on the issue; with employers arguing that the changes made to sick pay for other NHS staff automatically mean Annex E payments can be cut, and the unions taking the position that cutting Annex E payments without agreement would be unlawful.   The trust has said that it will go ahead without agreement and dock payments.  UNISON will be challenging this, but are talking to the employers both locally and nationally to ask them not to impose changes and to fully consider the implications of entering a formal dispute on an issue on which members clearly feel so strongly.

We will keep you posted on progress here in LAS but we will be talking to you and to colleagues in other unions over the coming weeks about the best way to challenge what we see as unlawful cuts to your wages.

Best wishes
Eric Roberts
Branch Secretary
Staff Side Secretary

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