UNSOCIAL HOURS and UNISON members pay 2015

As UNISON members and branches  prepare to take strike action on January 29th and February 25th the Department of Health and NHS Employers have given evidence to the Pay review Body. In their evidence the Government  say : that Incremental progression is ‘unfair and unaffordable’. that  the current Unsocial Hours payments do ‘not reflect modern […]

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Call to take strike action – Mon 24 Nov

London Ambulance UNISON Call to take strike action 24th November 2014 Dear UNISON Member, I am writing, as Branch Secretary, to call on you to take strike action again in line with our national NHS pay dispute strategy. We had a very successful turnout on 13th October 2014 and I am confident that we can […]

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NHS PAY Newsletter – Ambulance Edition

Welcome to a special NHS Pay newsletter aimed at all UNISON members working in the ambulance service. No matter what role you perform in the ambulance service; vehicle maintenance, make ready, patient transport, paramedic, technician, emergency care assistant, control to name just a few.

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Because your pay matters to you, it matters to UNISON. You have told us you are angry about the insulting pay cuts and freezes being imposed on you. So now we believe it’s time to take action.

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