Pay Consultation

The SGE’s Agenda for Change group has considered the results of the pay consultation. Across the UK, most branches and regions responding were in favour of Option A – the earnings maximisation strategy Where branches recommended moving to a pay ballot this was based on very low turnout Health conference in April 2017 endorsed the […]

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“UNISON is holding an indicative ballot of ambulance staff over the failure of the government and employers to deliver on their promises made at the end of the 2014/15 strike action. A link will be sent directly to the email address we have on our records so you need to keep an eye out for […]

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Ambulance workers to be balloted over pay

Ambulance staff, including paramedics, are to be balloted over whether they would be prepared to take industrial action over pay,UNISON General Secretary Dave Prentis announced today (Monday). Speaking on the eve of the all-out junior doctors’ strike, he warned they will be next on the picket line unless Jeremy Hunt honours promises made a year ago […]

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NHS Pay Proposals 2015 – 16

Consultation and Ballot information for branches/members Summary: Health branches in England are asked to note the HSGE position on pay proposals, arrangements for consultative ballot and organise workplace meetings with members to explain the proposals

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