Annex E Industrial Action Ballot Update

The Industrial Action Ballot due this week has been postponed to allow more talks between the Union and the National Ambulance Employers. More information will be available next week. At the moment this is a postponement of the ballot, and not a cancellation. Eric Roberts, Branch Secretary LAS UNISON

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Ambulance Membership Ballot

Download the advert for the pensions ballot to display in your workplace. FAQs for members Who is being balloted? Members who are directly employed in NHS Ambulance organisations will be balloted.  This will also include Isle of Wight Ambulance members employed by the PCT.  As in the previous ballot, students (unless in full time employment […]

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Dear UNISON colleagues,

On behalf of London Ambulance UNISON I would like to thank all our members for the support shown during the 30th November 2011 Day of Action in defence of our pensions.

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Images from the Front Line

The Industrial action on the 30 November was well supported right across the service. Many staff offered emergency cover to the people of London responding to emergency calls from the picket line.

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Day of Action 30th November 2011

London Ambulance UNISON Day of Action 30th November 2011 28th November 2011 To all UNISON members, This is the final instructions concerning plans for the Day of Action on Wednesday 30th November 2011. This is sent on behalf of LAS UNISON Industrial Action Committee (IAC).

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‘Hands off our pensions!’

“Today, as general secretary of UNISON, I give formal notice to 9,000 employers that we are balloting for action,” declared Dave Prentis when he opened the TUC debate on pensions this morning.

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