Dear UNISON colleagues,

Branch News Branch Secretary

On behalf of London Ambulance UNISON I would like to thank all our members for the support shown during the 30th November 2011 Day of Action in defence of our pensions.

I know it was a difficult, long day for all of you, as well as a day of mixed emotions. Taking industrial action within the Health Service is always a decision of last resort. Taking industrial action within an emergency ambulance service is even more so.

We stood up and stood together on Wednesday and I am very proud of that. We tried also, under extreme conditions, to provide London with emergency cover throughout the day, and our members who came forward for this cannot be thanked enough. Members on picket lines and demonstrations kept our campaign firmly in the public eye.

UNISON is an honest, responsible union and always acts in good faith.

We did not get everything right of course and lessons will be learnt. Going around picket lines Wednesday evening with Branch Chair Eddie Brand, members were not backward in coming forward with their views, support and suggestions.

It was an historic day. A day when we all stood up for the future of our Pensions, our Service and the Public Sector.

Thank you


Letter from Branch Secretary

 Joint agreement between LAS, UNISON & GMB

 Essential Guide for Pickets

Adverts regarding the 30 Nov Strike

 Protocol for Industrial Action

Pensions Dispute FAQ’s
