NHS Trade Unions’ Blueprint for Return

As we enter what could be the start of a gradual easing of lockdown restrictions, discussion has turned to how the NHS restarts those services that were stepped down during the peak of the COVID-19 pandemic. Given the pressure that staff have been under and the risk to their health and well-being – and that […]

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NHS Pension Scheme – Age Discrimination update

The government is developing proposals to address the unlawful age discrimination identified by the Court of Appeal in the 2015 reforms to the Judicial and Firefighters’ pension schemes. More information on the ruling and its implications for the NHS Pension Scheme can be found here: https://www.unison.org.uk/health-news/2020/01/latest-pension-age-discrimination-ruling/ The government has already announced it will take steps […]

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Annual General Meeting – CANCELLED

The LAS UNISON Branch Committee have taken the decision to cancel our AGM on the 24th March. The guidance has come out from the government regarding cancelling events and to try and stop unnecessary travel and we realise that we cannot now go ahead. We appreciate that you will be disappointed but I am sure you fully understand. […]

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NHS Pension Scheme

NHS Pension Scheme – Age discrimination judgement A legal case taken by the firefighters and judges has found that the transitional protections introduced as part of the 2015 changes to their respective pension schemes were discriminatory based on age. There is a likely read across of this judgement to the other public sector pension schemes, […]

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Update on EAC banding

A partnership bulletin between the LAS & UNISON has been released on the EAC banding: As advised previously, an updated job description for Emergency Ambulance Crew was recently evaluated by our job evaluation panel, who recommended re-evaluating this to a band 5 role. As a result, all current EACs will be transitioned to a band […]

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EAC/TEAC Pay Update

LAS UNISON met with Senior Management on Wednesday 31st July 2019 at the LAS Staff Council. During the meeting we raised various concerns about the bulletin sent out this week from People and Culture (EAC updated job description). The main issue we raised was that of TEACS and their future banding. The opinion of our […]

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EAC Pay Band Review Update

LAS UNISON have been informed this morning (17 July 2019) that the LAS management have accepted the outcome of the pay band re-evaluation request that UNISON formally submitted on the 1st March 2019, that the EAC job role is at band 5 level. The LAS management have today agreed to transition all EACs, including TEACs, […]

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EAC – Band 5 Job Evaluation

We have again today written to the LAS management to request progress on the resolution of the disparity between the EAC current pay band and the result of the Job Evaluation panel that took place last week. As we wrote back in April we have been campaigning to the LAS management for some time that […]

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