The NHS Pay Deal – Year 2

Recap of the three-year deal in England In 2018 the NHS Staff Council agreed to reform the NHS pay structure over a three-year period covering April 2018 to March 2021. This reform delivered the following: Won the argument that the top of the band was the full rate for the job Secured an additional £4.2 […]

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LAS EMT4 Management Proposal Update

LAS UNISON have today responded to the EMT4 management proposal.  We have consulted through our workplace rep and senior sector rep network across the LAS and the attached letter (below) highlights the issues we recognise as a result. We look forward to the alterations to the proposal and welcome the implementation of the final arrangement […]

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Annex 5 (E) and Section 2 Unsocial Hours payments

Under the terms of the national NHS pay deal, ambulance staff employed prior to 1 September 2018 are subject to Annex 5 (previously Annex E) unsocial hours provisions. Ambulance staff employed from 1 September 2018 and existing staff who change roles (including promotion) will be subject to Section 2. Staff employed before 1 September 2018 […]

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The English NHS pay deal – in six charts

A lot has been written about the NHS pay deal in England and what it will mean to individuals’ pay packets. But how does it affect staff at different stages of their career? July saw the implementation of the new NHS pay deal in England, negotiated by UNISON and other unions. The pay deal marked […]

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Pay rise for NHS staff in England

Members vote overwhelmingly in favour of three year deal UNISON members working for the NHS in England have voted overwhelmingly to accept a three year pay deal and changes to the NHS pay structure negotiated by UNISON and the other 13 NHS unions. All 14 NHS unions have been consulting their members on pay and […]

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Pay Update from UNISON National Ambulance Sector

Dear Ambulance member, We are writing to you about the pay proposals for NHS staff in England. A lot has been said about the proposals on social media and we wanted to respond to a couple of frequently raised questions. Ambulance staff are an integral part of the NHS and it will be NHS staff […]

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NHS Pay Proposal – Branch Update

The NHS Staff Council framework agreement proposal was released last week and we have all had time to understand it’s complexities now, so we wanted to produce this overview from our LAS Branch perspective.  We are in an initial stage of consultation with our health members nationally ending mid April when we will individually be […]

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UNISON puts major proposal for NHS pay to its members

UNISON today unveiled a proposal for a far-reaching modernisation of the NHS pay structure in England over the next three years, which would result in significant pay rises for every single member of staff and could turn the tide of the NHS staffing crisis. The union has led intense and detailed negotiations over a number […]

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