Pay Claim Update & Survey

In September UNISON, along with the other NHS trade unions, submitted a claim for a pay award that matches inflation plus an extra £800 for all staff. We also asked the government for extra funding so we can change the NHS pay system to make it better and fairer. As a result we are now […]

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NHS pay – UNISON response to Budget

Government announces additional funding for NHS pay In the Budget on 22 November 2017 the Chancellor confirmed additional funding could be made available for NHS pay for 2018/19. This is a marked change from Government position in previous years, where a 1% absolute cap was announced in advance and artificially constrained each pay round. However, […]

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Holiday Pay

Today LAS Unison has written to the LAS management regarding an issue we raised at the Staff Council meeting on 14th November 2017 which will result in an increase in the “Holiday Pay” staff receive when on annual leave. You may remember UNISON won a landmark case at the Supreme Court in February this year […]

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Band 6 Paramedic Job Description & NQP’s – Joint National Update

Ambulance national discussions – November 2017 joint update Ambulance employers, national trade unions and NHS Employers have been working closely together over recent months to progress the requirements of the national agreement on Band 6 paramedics.  Specifically, we have been working to resolve issues relating to: agreeing a fast track scheme for the Newly Qualified […]

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Former Dynasty star highlights UNISON’s Pay Up Now! campaign

Giving public service workers a pat on the back isn’t going to put food on their table A new UNISON film, featuring former Dynasty actor Stephanie Beacham, takes a tongue-in-cheek look at why the government should give teaching assistants, paramedics, refuse collectors and other public service workers a pay rise. The two-minute satirical Pat on […]

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Proposed New Rest Break Policy

Following negotiations between UNISON and LAS management, a new proposed rest break agreement has been published. Please read the agreement in full and pass back any comments to your local UNISON rep or via our Facebook groups. Download the proposed rest break policy here

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UNISON calls on government to fund a proper NHS pay rise

‘NHS staff and their families need a pay award that stops the rot’ UNISON is breaking with tradition and submitting a pay claim directly to the government on behalf of more than one million health workers across the UK. Working with the other NHS trade unions, UNISON has written to the Chancellor Philip Hammond, urging […]

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Joint Union Notice – NQP Fast Track Position Sept 2017

1 September 2017 Newly Qualified Paramedic Update In December 2016, employers and trade unions signed up to a new national agreement to move paramedics into Agenda for Change band 6. Part of this agreement was to create a Newly Qualified Paramedic (NQP) role with the implementation date retrospectively applied to all paramedics employed after 1 […]

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