Rest Break Policy – End of Shift Arrangements

Branch News

As you are well aware the LAS bulletin on the 18th December 2017 announced the new rest break policy.

As described in the bulletin, work has since been ongoing between myself as the nominated staff side Trade Union lead and Craig Harman as the management lead to resolve the issues at the end of shifts for frontline operational crews in particular late finishes after having a rest break.

From the initial discussions, Craig and I agreed some suitable parameters and a project group has been set up and met on the 2nd February with a further meeting planned for the 19th February.

The parameters that we agreed and then discussed at the first project meeting were that we would plan to conduct a pilot for the entire South area initially for only DCAs.

All other arrangements will remain the same and after some extensive discussions, this includes the current rest break arrangements.

The reason being that this would give a more stable set of data to review against the north area and we as the staff side did not think it appropriate to make any changes to the rest break agreement without a longer period of its operation and without proper review.

It is expected that if the pilot is successful and the related data supports the modified end of shift arrangements then it would be rolled out across the service at the earliest opportunity without a period of cessation in the pilot area.

There are some difficult technical issues in conducting this trial particularly concerning the dispatch system which still needs to be worked through, but we hope to have some more specific details after the next meeting on the 19th as to what the actual arrangements at the end of shift will be. 

If you have any questions please contact the Senior Sector Trade Union rep for your area in the first instance.

From the initial discussion we are confident we can achieve a considerable reduction in the impact of late finishes after having a rest break during a shift.

Download this as a bulletin to display in your workplace

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