Update regarding progress towards implementation of Band 6 for Paramedics

Agenda for Change Branch News Pay

Earlier this year LAS UNISON submitted a new Job Description that reflected the current working practices of an LAS Paramedic. We commenced local discussions in August. These discussions have been extremely constructive and we were close to reaching an LAS agreement. However, in October the service was advised by NHS Improvement that the national discussions to implement Band 6 were moving forward and the service was asked to align our local discussions to support the national programme.

Fortunately, many of the features of our local agreement are reflected in the National proposal; these are currently subject to on-going negotiations. Although different, both packages are designed to deliver significant pay progression for existing Band 5 Paramedics. The national proposal is contingent on securing funding for all Trusts nationally from commissioners.

Implementation of any proposals is subject to a formal national agreement and securing additional funding. However, we would like to assure you that as soon as we have confirmation of the details of the agreement, LAS UNISON are committed to working together in partnership with LAS management to complete the local job matching and assimilation processes as quickly as possible.

We will keep you updated on progress.

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