London calling – a look back at Wednesday’s strike in the capital

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UNISON members across the country were out in force for yesterday’s NHS strikes. We take a photographic look back at events in the capital

Yesterday’s moments strikes across England will be reverberating for weeks to come.

The extraordinary response from UNISON members – and support from the public – was clear, and you can look back at that on the rolling report we ran throughout the day.

But today, let’s have a further look at action across London, as photographer Marcus Rose followed UNISON’s general secretary Christina McAnea to three pickets.

It began at Waterloo, with vast media interest, before continuing to Deptford, where it wouldn’t be Christmas without a babe in arms (see above) and then ending after dark around the brazier in Edmonton.

It might have been the shortest day of the year, but in many ways it was the longest.

Christina McAnea addressing the massed ranks of media at the Waterloo picket

Christina addressing the media at Waterloo

Christina McAnea addressing the massed ranks of media at the Waterloo picket

Christina McAnea at the Waterloo picket

Christina with striking members at Waterloo

Christina McAnea with striking members at Waterloo and an ambulance

With striking members at Waterloo

Christina McAnea, smiling and have a cuppa =as she chats with members at Deptford

Time for quick cuppa, as Christina chats with members at Deptford

Christina McAnea chatting with a member at Deptford

Christina McAnea with the pickets at Deptford

Pickets at Deptford holding handwritten signs calling on passing drivers to honk their support

Honk for the NHS!

Picket link at Deptford, from above, with Christina McAnea

Pickets at Deptford with placard and flaming brazier

It’s not a picket without a brazier – especially not in December!

Christina McAnea and striking members around a brazier in Edmonton

From on brazier to another – this time in Edmonton

pickets with UNISON flags and a 'honk for the NHS' placard


Story reproduced from main UNISON site –
