Good afternoon Khadir,
I hope this message finds you well?
I am writing on behalf of LAS UNISON with regards to the ongoing concerns from our members about the LAS PPE guidance and the continued lack of Covid-19 testing for staff.
We remain concerned over the stock level of our PPE provisions in the LAS and the repeated persistent shortages. Our reps continue to encounter and assist members experiencing serious shortages of PPE.
Our members are also greatly concerned over the level of PPE advised in the LAS and PHE guidance and are worried that they and their families are at an increased risk of infection and transmission.
We have repeatedly and formally asked for reference to the evidence that supports this guidance be supplied to our members to no avail. We ask again how can we be assured of the continued supply and distribution of PPE for Covid-19 infected patient treatment?
In addition can you outline the plan to continue fit testing staff both on current mask available and new versions entering the service?
As such, given the now high infection rates in the communities we serve, we ask that the LAS now advise all patient contact be made with a minimum of surgical masks, apron and gloves as per the guidance for treating possibly infected patients?
We further request that staff testing for Covid-19 be expedited urgently. The Health Secretary made assurances on the 19th March that NHS staff testing would be rolled out as a matter of urgency yet we have seen no evidence of this happening at all.
We believe this essential to the continued resilience of our service and imperative to informing our members and to reassure them in the measures they take under government guidance to prevent further transmission.
Finally, we ask that you respond to these requests by the end of the week.
We also intend to campaign on these issues with the assistance of our national UNISON office.
Kind regards,
Eddie Brand