AfC Proposed Changes – Information from Branch Secretary

Dear all, The Union is starting to consult Branches and Regions regarding the proposed changes to the Agenda for Change (AfC) national agreement. The changes are proposed basically because of the NHS financial situation and also in the hope that changing it in this way is better than the NHS Employers breaking away from the […]

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Agenda for Change Proposals

At a recent meeting of the NHS Staff Council, all health unions, including UNISON, agreed to take modified proposals to amend the Agenda for Change Agreement in England to their executive committees.

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Annual leave during the Olympic and Paralympic Games

The HR bulletin issued on the 28 March 2012 advised staff of the need to put annual leave requests ‘on hold’ in order to assess the overall resourcing needs over the Games period for all staff in the Service. Following discussions with UNISON it has been agreed that annual leave can now be allocated in […]

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Management Rest Break Policy – A Dog’s Dinner.

If nothing changes between now and September, something will happen within our Service that has not happened for at least a decade. We are at a very serious pivotal point with the threat of an imposed policy that has not been jointly agreed. We are heading back to the bad old days. As staff within […]

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2011 Afc Pay Rates

The latest pay circular that takes effect from 1 April 2011 has been published and can be viewed here. The changes to pay points on the pay spine and in the pay bands are: A flat rate increase of £250 to pay spine points 1 – 15 As part of the 2008-2011 negotiated pay agreement, […]

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Members of UNISONs Health Service Group Executive have today rejected a two-year freeze on pay increments, on top of the pay freeze imposed by the Government.  NHS Employers had offered a no compulsory redundancy agreement in return for the freeze.  Members rejected the deal because there was no guarantee that all employers would abide by […]

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2010 Uplift to Agenda for Change Rates of Pay and Allowances

The latest circular ‘AfC 2/2010’ from NHS Employers containing the 2010/11 rates of pay for staff on Agenda for Change terms and conditions is now available on the website at This circular has been issued to all NHS organisations in England, with similar circulars issued by the devolved administrations to employers in Cymru/Wales, Northern […]

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