Changes have been proposed to the way pay is calculated if you are off sick. Ambulance staff receive payments for unsocial hours under Annex E of the Agenda for Change (AfC) agreement. Employers think the recent changes to AfC sickness payments automatically change Annex E. UNISON does not.
UNISON is asking for your view on proposals to reduce Annex E payments during sickness. This means that if ambulance staff are sick during a shift that includes unsocial hours they would lose their unsocial hours uplift for those hours. This will also affect their pension. UNISON wants to hear your views on changes to Annex E if this effects
When should you vote?
Your branch will be talking to you over the next few weeks about what the employers
have proposed and how this might affect you. We will be asking you to vote on
whether you accept or reject the proposals.
The consultative ballot will run for six weeks and will close on 23 August, so there is
plenty of time for you to make your views known. Please make sure you vote as this
will help us when we are in talks with the employers.
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Download Tables showing exact deductions per pay band
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