Pay Consultation

The SGE’s Agenda for Change group has considered the results of the pay consultation. Across the UK, most branches and regions responding were in favour of Option A – the earnings maximisation strategy Where branches recommended moving to a pay ballot this was based on very low turnout Health conference in April 2017 endorsed the […]

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Consultation and response to Health Service Group Dear LAS UNISON branch member, The NHS Pay Review Body (PRB) has recommended a 1% consolidated pay increase for all NHS Staff on Agenda for Change contracts. The Government has accepted the recommendation and pay for NHS staff will be increased from 1 April 2017. This is the […]

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Pay Award Announced

The government has today (28 March) announced that NHS staff in England will receive a consolidated pay increase of 1% from 1 April. The Welsh and Scottish governments have also awarded 1% while continuing to pay the Living Wage as a minimum. In Scotland there is also a £400 minimum pay rise for staff earning […]

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EMT4 Pay Cap

Yesterday (22 March) our Branch Secretary, Eddie Brand, wrote to the LAS management to request that EMT4’s pay cap in band 5 is removed and they are now allowed to move through to the top of band 5. This letter was sent in the morning and was due to be published on our website the same […]

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Implementation of band 6 for paramedics

A Joint Partnership Working bulletin was published today detailing how Band 6 will be implemented for Paramedics in the LAS. The text of the bulletin is as follows: We are pleased to announce that following formal job evaluation, the revised London Ambulance Service Paramedic job description has now been evaluated as band 6 under the […]

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New pay deal for paramedics

The role of a paramedic will be re-banded nationally, giving paramedics the opportunity to earn more as they progress. The Department of Health, NHS Employers and ambulance unions have agreed paramedics will be re-banded nationally from band 5 to band 6. This new deal will see paramedics in England move up the pay scale from […]

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Update regarding progress towards implementation of Band 6 for Paramedics

Earlier this year LAS UNISON submitted a new Job Description that reflected the current working practices of an LAS Paramedic. We commenced local discussions in August. These discussions have been extremely constructive and we were close to reaching an LAS agreement. However, in October the service was advised by NHS Improvement that the national discussions […]

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Paramedic Banding Update – Band 6 Profile Publication

Joint Ambulance Trade Union Statement 15 November 2016 Paramedic banding update – Band 6 profile publication In September we announced that the NHS Staff Council had agreed to publish a new Band 6 paramedic profile along with technical guidance from JEG to help local matching panels evaluate their current paramedic roles. It has taken a […]

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