Pay Update from UNISON National Ambulance Sector

Dear Ambulance member, We are writing to you about the pay proposals for NHS staff in England. A lot has been said about the proposals on social media and we wanted to respond to a couple of frequently raised questions. Ambulance staff are an integral part of the NHS and it will be NHS staff […]

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NHS Pay Proposal – Branch Update

The NHS Staff Council framework agreement proposal was released last week and we have all had time to understand it’s complexities now, so we wanted to produce this overview from our LAS Branch perspective.  We are in an initial stage of consultation with our health members nationally ending mid April when we will individually be […]

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UNISON puts major proposal for NHS pay to its members

UNISON today unveiled a proposal for a far-reaching modernisation of the NHS pay structure in England over the next three years, which would result in significant pay rises for every single member of staff and could turn the tide of the NHS staffing crisis. The union has led intense and detailed negotiations over a number […]

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Rest Break Policy – End of Shift Arrangements

As you are well aware the LAS bulletin on the 18th December 2017 announced the new rest break policy. As described in the bulletin, work has since been ongoing between myself as the nominated staff side Trade Union lead and Craig Harman as the management lead to resolve the issues at the end of shifts […]

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Pay Claim Update & Survey

In September UNISON, along with the other NHS trade unions, submitted a claim for a pay award that matches inflation plus an extra £800 for all staff. We also asked the government for extra funding so we can change the NHS pay system to make it better and fairer. As a result we are now […]

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NHS pay – UNISON response to Budget

Government announces additional funding for NHS pay In the Budget on 22 November 2017 the Chancellor confirmed additional funding could be made available for NHS pay for 2018/19. This is a marked change from Government position in previous years, where a 1% absolute cap was announced in advance and artificially constrained each pay round. However, […]

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Holiday Pay

Today LAS Unison has written to the LAS management regarding an issue we raised at the Staff Council meeting on 14th November 2017 which will result in an increase in the “Holiday Pay” staff receive when on annual leave. You may remember UNISON won a landmark case at the Supreme Court in February this year […]

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