Only 31% of NHS staff were satisfied with their level of pay in 2017
Responding to the publication today (Tuesday) of the NHS Staff Survey UNISON head of health Sara Gorton said: “It’s clear that wage freezes, and woeful pay rises below the rate of inflation, have taken their toll on NHS staff.
“If this isn’t addressed, the NHS is going to haemorrhage more staff. This not only puts further pressure on the remaining nurses, healthcare assistants and other NHS colleagues, but also ultimately affects patient care and safety.
“Then there’s the continuing shame that over 80,000 people working in the NHS in England earn wages that are below the Living Wage.
“The government has an opportunity to turn this situation around and fund a decent pay settlement for health staff this year.
“It will also come as no surprise to the public to hear that NHS staff are regularly doing unpaid overtime. It’s a disgrace that the government is relying on the good will of overworked staff to prop up the NHS.”
Download the summary of results from London Ambulance Service NHS Trust
Download the full 2017 National NHS staff survey results from London Ambulance Service NHS Trust
Notes to editors:
– The full results of the NHS Staff Survey 2017 are available here
– Only 31% of staff were satisfied with their level of pay in 2017 (compared to 37% in 2016)
– 58% of staff worked additional unpaid hours in 2017