Pay – A message from UNISON’s General Secretary

Dear UNISON healthcare member Since Jeremy Hunt’s announcement last month that he plans to ignore the NHS Pay Review  Body and give you no pay increase for the next two years unless you are at the top of your pay band,you’ve been telling the union what you think.  We know you feel that this is: Unfair to the […]

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Joint Statement – Annex E – 31 Jan

Joint Statement between NHS ambulance Trusts in England and UNISON, GMB and Unite Employers and trades unions met on 31 January 2014 and agreed to extend the pause for a further four weeks in order to allow further intensive work, in partnership, before the meeting of the NHS Staff Council on 28 February. 

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Joint Statement – Annex E – 3 Jan 2014

Joint Statement between NHS ambulance Trusts in England and UNISON, GMB and Unite On 3 January 2014 employers and trade unions met and discussed: Data comparing illustrative payments under Annex E and Section 2 unsocial hours payments systems, using the most common rota patterns worked by the majority of ambulance staff, and assuming an indicative, […]

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Joint Statement – 20 Dec

Joint Statement between NHS ambulance Trusts in England and UNISON, GMB and Unite Employers and trade unions held further joint discussions on 20 December.  Progress so far and future joint requirements for data collection and analysis were discussed.  It was agreed that there would be more substantive discussions at a joint meeting on 3 January […]

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Joint Statement 13 Dec

Employers and trade unions held further joint discussions on 13 December in order to: (1) agree that appropriate project infrastructure was in place. Terms of Reference (TOR) for two out of three sub-groups were agreed (Rota Modelling and Communications) and the TOR for the third (Process Development) would be available for joint sign-off shortly.

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