Call to take 12 Hour Strike Action – Friday 10th February 2023

Dear UNISON Member,I am writing, as Branch Secretary, to call on you to take strike action again in line with our national NHS pay & Staffing dispute. To increase pressure on the Government we are calling on you to strike for 12 hours.We have had, very successful turnouts on the last 3 industrial action dates […]

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A Message from our Branch Secretary

Dear UNISON Members, I hope you are all keeping well? We have just completed our third date into our industrial action, you have all played your part and our Branch Committee and our UNION are so proud of the effort you have undertaken by causing disruption but keeping Londoners safe. LAS UNISON have definitely got […]

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Important Information about Upcoming Industrial Action

Message of solidarity from Bryn Webster, Chair of UNISON’s National Ambulance Occupational Group Five weeks ago, I wrote to you in preparation for what was to be our first day of strike action in the five ambulance Trusts where we got a mandate to strike. At the time, I wasn’t sure how things would go. […]

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Final all members briefing for 23rd January Industrial Action

The next Strike Action for our Branch will take place on Monday the 23rd of January from 1100 to 2300.  We will be repeating the arrangements and groups of members included on the last day with the addition of our Clinical Education and Standards department members.  Welcome aboard comrades and we welcome you to the […]

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Industrial Action Update

Now that we’ve all recovered from Strike Day on Wednesday we wanted to say a massive Thank You to everyone that took action.  Our ambulance crew members did the business again just as they had in December but how amazing was it to see our EOC comrades come out and join us on the picket […]

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Final all members briefing for 11th January Industrial Action

Following on from the success of strike action we took on the 21st of December, the cracks started to appear in the government’s ignorance to our campaign very quickly in the New Year with early talks taking place today (9th of January).  However we still do not have any firm offer on the table that […]

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Strike Solidarity

NHS staff are striking for the future of the NHS and its patients as much as they are for themselves – decent pay is essential to prevent more staff leaving the NHS and further damage to patient care. UNISON members have announced industrial action across 5 ambulances services in England on Wednesday 11 January and […]

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Strike Day – 11 January 2023

Members Briefing for Industrial Action Dear UNISON Member We hope you had a lovely Christmas & Happy New Year. Thank you to everyone that played a part in the Action on the 21st December 2022 and those of you that supported it. We definitely made the country stand-up and take notice that we are a force […]

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