Dear London Ambulance UNISON Branch Members Ballot papers for this very important election should be sent to your homes address from Monday 3rd April. All branch members can vote for Community, Black, Young, Disabled and Greater London seats. Please take part in the internal democracy of your union. Your branch executive nominated the following candidates:- […]

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EMT4 Pay Cap

Yesterday (22 March) our Branch Secretary, Eddie Brand, wrote to the LAS management to request that EMT4’s pay cap in band 5 is removed and they are now allowed to move through to the top of band 5. This letter was sent in the morning and was due to be published on our website the same […]

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Implementation of band 6 for paramedics

A Joint Partnership Working bulletin was published today detailing how Band 6 will be implemented for Paramedics in the LAS. The text of the bulletin is as follows: We are pleased to announce that following formal job evaluation, the revised London Ambulance Service Paramedic job description has now been evaluated as band 6 under the […]

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Eric Roberts – Plans for memorial tribute

Following the sad and untimely death of UNISON’s president and LAS UNISON Branch Secretary, Eric Roberts, the General Secretary and the Presidential Team have proposed that UNISON should host an event in Eric’s memory as a tribute to his life and work. The NEC suggested that the event should be held on the 8th February, […]

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Remembering Eric

Since the sad news that our branch secretary and current UNISON President had passed away, we have been inundated with tributes & photos. Eric was a genuine lovely man who touched so many people right across the country and even across the world. We all knew within our branch just what Eric had done for […]

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Eric Roberts

It is with great sadness to inform our members that Eric Roberts, our branch secretary and UNISON president, passed away suddenly and unexpectedly this afternoon (24 Nov 16) after being recently diagnosed with cancer. The entire branch is in shock and at this sad time our thoughts and love are with his family. Eric led […]

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Update regarding progress towards implementation of Band 6 for Paramedics

Earlier this year LAS UNISON submitted a new Job Description that reflected the current working practices of an LAS Paramedic. We commenced local discussions in August. These discussions have been extremely constructive and we were close to reaching an LAS agreement. However, in October the service was advised by NHS Improvement that the national discussions […]

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