Proposed New Rest Break Policy

Following negotiations between UNISON and LAS management, a new proposed rest break agreement has been published. Please read the agreement in full and pass back any comments to your local UNISON rep or via our Facebook groups. Download the proposed rest break policy here

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Rest Breaks – August Update

Dear UNISON Member, As you may be aware over the last year we have met with London Ambulance Senior Management about the ongoing issue of Rest Breaks. The reason it has gone on for so long is because of a number of factors. These include changes in senior managers and the major incidents that have […]

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‘Now is the time!’ Dave Prentis tells conference

General secretary tells delegates that the tide is turning and that, as the prime minister wobbles, there is hope “Now is the time to rise up – now is the time to smash the pay cap.” That was the call at the heart of a rallying, optimistic message from UNISON general secretary Dave Prentis today, […]

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Rest Breaks & NQP Update

News from your Branch Secretary and Chair to keep you posted on a couple of things.  Along with the many, many issues our many, many brilliant reps are dealing with currently, a couple of bigger ticket issues that are taking up a lot of mine and Eddie’s time is Rest Breaks and NQP/Paramedic changes. Eddie […]

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Pay Consultation

The SGE’s Agenda for Change group has considered the results of the pay consultation. Across the UK, most branches and regions responding were in favour of Option A – the earnings maximisation strategy Where branches recommended moving to a pay ballot this was based on very low turnout Health conference in April 2017 endorsed the […]

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EL Presidente T-Shirt

Last year after Eric Roberts became president of UNISON, the London Ambulance Service Branch of UNISON had an idea of making a t-shirt with Eric’s picture on with El Presidente written underneath. We planned to wear them at the Health and National Delegate Conferences this year whilst Eric was in his Presidency year. This was […]

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Consultation and response to Health Service Group Dear LAS UNISON branch member, The NHS Pay Review Body (PRB) has recommended a 1% consolidated pay increase for all NHS Staff on Agenda for Change contracts. The Government has accepted the recommendation and pay for NHS staff will be increased from 1 April 2017. This is the […]

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