Not long after the inception of London Ambulance Service UNISON branch (1995) it was agreed at one of our Branch Committee meetings that we should have a Branch Banner.
I appreciate that it has taken a while, but the day is finally here!
We are proud to unveil the LAS UNISON branch banner, the front features our beloved first Branch Secretary, the Late Eric Roberts, and on the reverse side, it features Aneurin Bevan, Labour Party Politician, who led the establishment of the National Health Service in 1948.
Special thanks to London Ambulance Service Communications department for supplying some of the graphics and to Emma Shankland from the Durham Bannermakers who designed this great piece of work.
I am sure you will agree with me, that this is a stunning addition to our Branch and it will be proudly displayed in solidarity when required and agreed by our Branch Committee.
Eddie Brand
LAS UNISON Branch Secretary

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