Annex E Industrial Action Ballot Update

The Industrial Action Ballot due this week has been postponed to allow more talks between the Union and the National Ambulance Employers. More information will be available next week. At the moment this is a postponement of the ballot, and not a cancellation. Eric Roberts, Branch Secretary LAS UNISON

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UNISON’s Submission to the Working Longer Review

UNISON welcomes the opportunity to submit evidence to the NHS Working Longer Review. We are the major trade union in the National Health Service and the largest public service union in the UK. We represent more than 450,000 healthcare staff employed in the NHS. Our members work across a broad spectrum of jobs in the NHS and […]

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Annex E (Unsocial Hours) Update from Branch Secretary

Thank you for voting in the recent ballot on Annex E proposals.  As you know, UNISON members in London Ambulance Service rejected the proposals and sent a very clear message that they do not want  to agree changes which would allow ambulance employers to deduct Annex E payments during periods of sick leave to reflect […]

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Annex E (Unsocial Hours) Formal Dispute

On the 1 September the LAS along with other ambulance services across the country advised they would now be deducting unsocial hours payments from staff who were off sick unless this was a work related illness or injury.

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Annex E Ballot

The Annex E Ballot paper and information has been sent out to members contact addresses that we hold. They have gone out via Royal Mail and should be delivered in the next couple of days. If anyone does not receive a ballot form please email and we will send one out. The closing date to return the Ballot Form […]

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