NHS pay (England)

The government has imposed a 3% pay rise for all NHS staff in England. UNISON is running an indicative ballot to find out whether members want to take action. UNISON’s reaction to 3% How will the indicative ballot work? What can activists do now? UNISON’s reaction to 3% UNISON’s health service group executive (HSGE) has […]

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Government announce 3% NHS pay rise

The Government has announced a 3% pay rise for all NHS staff in England We need to be clear about your role in what is happening. At every stage the government has resisted our calls to open pay talks and this is no exception. They are not asking NHS staff to consider an “offer”. The government […]

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National Uniform

The National Healthcare Uniform Project is a proposal put forward by NHS Supply Chain: Hotel Services to introduce a nationally standardised uniform across the NHS in England. We would encourage you to complete the survey and ensure ambulance service members views are represented. The proposal states that a national uniform will offer a strong national […]

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London Package 2021 – Improving Working Lives

At our branch meeting today (24 March 2021) we discussed and agreed to send the following letter to the London Ambulance Service CEO. It was also discussed at our AGM. Dear Garrett, In 2014 our late great friend, Branch Secretary of LAS UNISON – Eric Roberts, wrote to the London Ambulance Service CEO at the […]

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Government responses to McCloud pension consultation and Pension Age Survey

The Government has published its response after seeking views on the proposed remedy option for correcting the unlawful discrimination determined in the Court of Appeal’s McCloud judgment. In line with UNISON’s recommendation, it has been confirmed that Deferred Choice Underpin (DCU) will be the remedy option for the NHS Pension Schemes covering England and Wales, […]

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