As you may know the consultation period for HCPC’s proposed rise in registrant fees closed on the 14th December. UNISON submitted the attached response before this time stating our members do not support the rise and the reasons for this.
“UNISON is uniquely placed to respond to this survey. We represent members in all 16 of the professions that the HCPC regulates. For some of the largest groups of HCPC registrants – paramedics, social workers and occupational therapists – we are the primary Union in the UK. As well as our partnership with the British Association of Occupational Therapists, we also have partnerships with the College of Operating Department Practitioners”
“We believe it is no exaggeration to say that the amount of the proposed fee hike, and the way HCPC has gone about proposing it, risk severely undermining registrants’ trust and confidence.”
Going forward the next step will be parliamentary work to try and get the HCPC to stop the increase by our national officers which we will update you on in due course.