Pensions Update for UNISON Ambulance Service members

Heads of Agreement – final proposals from Government on structure of 2015 scheme The pensions Heads of Agreement ‘offer’ from the Government was debated at the union’s health executive meeting last week.  It was agreed that the proposals will be put to members in a full ballot following the completion of negotiations on the ‘outstanding […]

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Dear UNISON colleagues,

On behalf of London Ambulance UNISON I would like to thank all our members for the support shown during the 30th November 2011 Day of Action in defence of our pensions.

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Images from the Front Line

The Industrial action on the 30 November was well supported right across the service. Many staff offered emergency cover to the people of London responding to emergency calls from the picket line.

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Day of Action 30th November 2011

London Ambulance UNISON Day of Action 30th November 2011 28th November 2011 To all UNISON members, This is the final instructions concerning plans for the Day of Action on Wednesday 30th November 2011. This is sent on behalf of LAS UNISON Industrial Action Committee (IAC).

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Day of Action, 30th November 2011 UNISON members will be taking action on 30th November to defend their pensions after they voted overwhelmingly to join the TUC co-ordinated day of action.

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Pensions Dispute – Vote YES – Busting the myths

UNISON will be sending ballot papers out to all members on Tuesday 11 October. The ballot will close on the 3 November and the day of action has been planned for the 30 November 2011. Take action now We need everyone to take action in the campaign to protect our pensions – whatever time you […]

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