DHSC responds to NHS Pension Scheme member contribution consultation

The Department of Health and Social Care has responded to the consultation on proposed changes to the member contribution structure for the England and Wales NHS Pension Scheme. So what are the changes? The main changes to the member contribution structure are outlined below: Members’ contribution rates will change to be based on actual pensionable […]

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Coronavirus: your rights at work

Since the beginning of the pandemic, we’ve been fighting to protect UNISON members who are at the forefront of the COVID-19 response. We are working proactively with the UK governments, employers, and other bodies to keep you safe at work. The UK government and other devolved parliaments have outlined plans for ongoing changes to restrictions. […]

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Vaccination as a Condition of Deployment (VCOD) in England

What is ‘Vaccination as a Condition of Deployment’? In late 2021, new regulations were agreed by parliament making it unlawful for an employer delivering CQC regulated activities, to deploy an unvaccinated worker in a face-to-face role from 1st April 2022. In the NHS, these new rules are commonly referred to as Vaccination as a condition of deployment (VCOD). […]

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Mandatory COVID vaccination of health and care workers (England)

What is happening? The government has finished a consultation about making COVID vaccines compulsory for health and care staff in England. They intend to bring in a new law to make COVID vaccination mandatory for anyone deployed to deliver Care Quality Commission (CQC) regulated activities who has direct, face-to-face contact with service users. This includes health […]

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NHS pay (England)

The government has imposed a 3% pay rise for all NHS staff in England. UNISON is running an indicative ballot to find out whether members want to take action. UNISON’s reaction to 3% How will the indicative ballot work? What can activists do now? UNISON’s reaction to 3% UNISON’s health service group executive (HSGE) has […]

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FREE tuition and qualification for Functional Skills

Level 2 in English and Mathematics This is available to any member who does not have a GCSE or equivalent in English and Mathematics and wants to enter a higher education course, including the LAS Paramedic Program. Times – 10:00 – 15:30 Time scales – Up to a maximum of 45 hours teaching, though to complete ASAP depending on […]

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UNISON Greater London Region Celebrating Black History Month

This year the Regional Black Members Committee will be hosting a virtual event to celebrate Black History Month. The theme will be: Breaking the Glass Ceiling. This is an opportunity for the Region to recognise and celebrate Black Lives, which is especially important in the current climate. The event is open to all members and […]

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