Annual General Meeting – CANCELLED

The LAS UNISON Branch Committee have taken the decision to cancel our AGM on the 24th March. The guidance has come out from the government regarding cancelling events and to try and stop unnecessary travel and we realise that we cannot now go ahead. We appreciate that you will be disappointed but I am sure you fully understand. […]

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Skill Mix Changes Update

“Last week we had an update to the ongoing arrangement that has temporarily changed the skill mix of how the LAS deploy NQPs, a bulletin has now been released to describe the final arrangement and the following is our final response to the changes and the mitigation given by the LAS management of the issues […]

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Skill Mix Changes

It has been reported to our reps that our NQP members have had a change in how they are deployed and the skill mix they work to as part of a winter pressures plan. We have this morning written to the management for clarification of this. (Full text of letter below) If correct we will […]

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We’ve stopped the Health and Care Professions Council 18% fees hike!

Our campaigning work has stopped the Health and Care Professions Council from imposing a massive 18% fee hike on health staff. At the end of 2018 the Health and Care Professions Council consulted on proposals that would see its registration fee rise by an inflation-busting 18%. Despite overwhelming opposition, the HCPC decided to press ahead […]

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HCPC Fees increase consultation

HCPC registrants may be interested in this public meeting on the 14th of February where the outcome of the recent consultation on an increase in fees will be discussed and recommended to be accepted! UNISON has responded to this and, along with 90% of the other respondents, disagree with this increase. Details in: HCPC Outcomes […]

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Fundraising for Lesley Shaw

Lesley Shaw is a Paramedic UNISON member based at Croydon for many years, who suffered a devastating stroke at her home following a night shift. The stroke has left her with life changing disabilities and a just giving fund has been setup to make essential improvements to her house and her quality of life. At […]

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Band 6 Paramedic Job Description & NQP’s – Joint National Update

Ambulance national discussions – November 2017 joint update Ambulance employers, national trade unions and NHS Employers have been working closely together over recent months to progress the requirements of the national agreement on Band 6 paramedics.  Specifically, we have been working to resolve issues relating to: agreeing a fast track scheme for the Newly Qualified […]

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Joint Union Notice – NQP Fast Track Position Sept 2017

1 September 2017 Newly Qualified Paramedic Update In December 2016, employers and trade unions signed up to a new national agreement to move paramedics into Agenda for Change band 6. Part of this agreement was to create a Newly Qualified Paramedic (NQP) role with the implementation date retrospectively applied to all paramedics employed after 1 […]

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