NHS Pay Review Body Evidence

Recruitment and retention of ambulance staff Recruitment-and-retention-of-ambulance-staff-PRB-November-2015-FINAL (Download document in full) Introduction Following the 2014/15 NHS pay dispute, the majority of NHS staff accepted a pay settlement for 2015/16. Contained in the letter from the Secretary of State , and further outlined in an NHS Staff Council paper , the pay settlement included specific commitments to […]

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Letter to CE Ann Radmore from LAS UNISON Branch Secretary

Dear Ann, I am writing to you on behalf of London Ambulance UNISON, but also making a personal plea for our Service to act, take the initiative, and force through radical changes to retain and reward staff. We both know that needs to happen. The very fact of UNISON writing to you directly reflects the […]

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NHS PAY Newsletter – Ambulance Edition

Welcome to a special NHS Pay newsletter aimed at all UNISON members working in the ambulance service. No matter what role you perform in the ambulance service; vehicle maintenance, make ready, patient transport, paramedic, technician, emergency care assistant, control to name just a few.

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A Time for Change Update

On the 5 July 2013 the London Ambulance Service formally responded by letter to concerns we had raised and on the 22 July we replied. Both letters can be seen below. Letter to UNISON UNISON response to 5th July 2013 letter

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