Early Retirement Reduction Buy Out (ERRBO)

Pay Pensions UNISON News

What’s On Offer?

All NHS staff who are members of the 2015 NHS Pension Scheme are able to elect to pay extra contributions to reduce or remove the early retirement reduction that would be applied if they retire before their Normal Pension Age (NPA). This is known as an Early Retirement Reduction Buy Out (ERRBO). There has been a subsequent Agreement negotiated by the national ambulance unions which offers a 50% employer contribution towards your ERRBO costs for frontline ambulance staff who wish to join this scheme from 1 April 2016.

What does this mean?

This process gives members the option to pay additional contributions to buy out the reduction that would apply if they retired earlier. The additional contributions will depend on your age when the agreement commences and whether you buy a 1, 2 or 3 year reduction. The reduction only applies to your 2015 Scheme benefits, and for the period you have an ERRBO agreement in place. There are FAQs and useful examples on the ERRBO factsheet which may be found on the NHS Pensions website.

Who Does This Apply To?

All front line operational ambulance staff, with direct patient contact. This includes the following roles: Emergency Care Assistants Emergency Medical Technicians Paramedics All Variations of these job roles are also included Additionally, any clinically qualified manager who is rostered for at least 60% of their time delivering direct patient care.

This information relates to all Ambulance staff, working in front line, patient facing emergency roles and who are in the 2015 Pension Scheme. This scheme allows staff to buy out the reduction that would be applied if retirement benefits were claimed before the normal pension age.

When can I apply?

There is a three month window open each year, from April to June. An application for an ERRBO agreement must be made before the end of June for it to be backdated to the previous 1 April. If you submit an application after June, ERRBO deductions will begin next year from the following 1 April.


If you have any questions please contact the NHS Business Services Authority (NHS Pensions) by calling the member helpline on 0300 330 13 46 or alternatively, you may wish to speak with your local Pensions Officer for guidance on your eligibility to enter into an ERRBO agreement.

Download this information – ERRBO Flyer Final Version (003)