NO to 18% Fee Rise by the HCPC

In spite of overwhelming opposition, the HCPC are proceeding with the unjustified 18% increase in fees for Paramedics and others that they regulate.  UNISON is not going away! We are seeking support from MP’s for our Early Day Motion. Speak to your Local MP and ask them to support us and sign it. We are […]

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NHS pay – UNISON response to Budget

Government announces additional funding for NHS pay In the Budget on 22 November 2017 the Chancellor confirmed additional funding could be made available for NHS pay for 2018/19. This is a marked change from Government position in previous years, where a 1% absolute cap was announced in advance and artificially constrained each pay round. However, […]

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Dave Lamey

It is with great sadness that we have to inform you of the death of Dave Lamey, a much loved former colleague based at Croydon and a proud Senior UNISON Rep for the SW Sector for many years. Dave died in hospital this evening after a short illness. Our thoughts are with his family at […]

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Pay Consultation

The SGE’s Agenda for Change group has considered the results of the pay consultation. Across the UK, most branches and regions responding were in favour of Option A – the earnings maximisation strategy Where branches recommended moving to a pay ballot this was based on very low turnout Health conference in April 2017 endorsed the […]

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NHS Pay Proposals 2015 – 16

Consultation and Ballot information for branches/members Summary: Health branches in England are asked to note the HSGE position on pay proposals, arrangements for consultative ballot and organise workplace meetings with members to explain the proposals

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