Letter to CE Ann Radmore from LAS UNISON Branch Secretary

Dear Ann, I am writing to you on behalf of London Ambulance UNISON, but also making a personal plea for our Service to act, take the initiative, and force through radical changes to retain and reward staff. We both know that needs to happen. The very fact of UNISON writing to you directly reflects the […]

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Call to take strike action – Mon 24 Nov

London Ambulance UNISON Call to take strike action 24th November 2014 Dear UNISON Member, I am writing, as Branch Secretary, to call on you to take strike action again in line with our national NHS pay dispute strategy. We had a very successful turnout on 13th October 2014 and I am confident that we can […]

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NHS PAY Newsletter – Ambulance Edition

Welcome to a special NHS Pay newsletter aimed at all UNISON members working in the ambulance service. No matter what role you perform in the ambulance service; vehicle maintenance, make ready, patient transport, paramedic, technician, emergency care assistant, control to name just a few.

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New Telephone Number for UNISON

UNISON is changing its main contact number. From January 2014, UNISON will be using a new freephone number –                           0800 0857 857 – instead of the current 0845 number. This number will cover both our UNISONdirect helpline and the central switchboard number for contacting […]

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Annex E Industrial Action Ballot Update

The Industrial Action Ballot due this week has been postponed to allow more talks between the Union and the National Ambulance Employers. More information will be available next week. At the moment this is a postponement of the ballot, and not a cancellation. Eric Roberts, Branch Secretary LAS UNISON

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Annex E (Unsocial Hours) Formal Dispute

On the 1 September the LAS along with other ambulance services across the country advised they would now be deducting unsocial hours payments from staff who were off sick unless this was a work related illness or injury.

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