We’ve stopped the Health and Care Professions Council 18% fees hike!

Our campaigning work has stopped the Health and Care Professions Council from imposing a massive 18% fee hike on health staff. At the end of 2018 the Health and Care Professions Council consulted on proposals that would see its registration fee rise by an inflation-busting 18%. Despite overwhelming opposition, the HCPC decided to press ahead […]

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Yesterday (20th March) we held our Annual General Meeting at UNISON centre in Euston. We had a terrific turnout and we would like to thank all the members who turned up last night. Disappointingly we were just a few short of being quorate. This year, Branch officer reports were put together in a colourful booklet. […]

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LAS UNISON response to Annual Leave Proposal

Today LAS UNISON have formally responded to the proposal on annual leave arrangements made in January by the LAS management. As expected, we have, as a Branch, rejected the proposal. We recognise that the arrangements reflect a marked reduction in the working conditions for our frontline members and through consultation with members by our elected […]

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LAS EMT4 Management Proposal Update

LAS UNISON have today responded to the EMT4 management proposal.  We have consulted through our workplace rep and senior sector rep network across the LAS and the attached letter (below) highlights the issues we recognise as a result. We look forward to the alterations to the proposal and welcome the implementation of the final arrangement […]

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HCPC Fees increase consultation

HCPC registrants may be interested in this public meeting on the 14th of February where the outcome of the recent consultation on an increase in fees will be discussed and recommended to be accepted! UNISON has responded to this and, along with 90% of the other respondents, disagree with this increase. Details in: HCPC Outcomes […]

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LAS Management Annual Leave Proposal Update

We have today received, from the LAS management, the definitive calculations of how the proposed annual leave arrangements would affect the number of leave spaces available. Please contact your Senior Sector rep for details of your group and station numbers and to ensure your feedback is noted for the proposal. We are planning to meet […]

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Branch noticeboard competition winners announced!

Congratulations to London Ambulance Service branch’s Battersea station who are the overall winners of our Grovember branch noticeboards competition. We were also shortlisted for our notice board at Romford Ambulance Station. What a fantastic achievement for our branch and well done to our reps who regularly update the boards across the service helping to keep […]

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Annual Leave proposal

The LAS management have written to us to propose a change in the annual leave arrangements for operational staff.  Although we have had some discussion with the service to explore these arrangements over quite a protracted timeframe, it was disappointing to us to have received a formal proposal at 1650 on a Friday evening.  Nevertheless, […]

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